New friends, new places, discovering life, delving into the depths of nature and the world around me. I must admit, lately I have been having a lot of fun. Doing things, exploring... just wow.
I haven't written for a while, both poetic and journalistic. But I feel compelled to write about an issue that I think needs to be raised and spoken about... As keeping this subject 'taboo' just makes it even worse...
Marijuana. Half of you smiled, as you read each of those letters sequentially. The other half of you shuddered, in fear that someone might see you reading something about an illegal substance, and question you on your standpoint.
Well.. that is just the problem that needs to be addressed.
Let's actually think about this logically, as adults (as most of you are who are reading this post, I would hope), with minds that are quite able to separate logic from fanfare.
A plant from this Earth, grown, cultivated and used medicinally for thousands of years (exact figures I was unable to source, but nonetheless, we all know its been around for a while!)...
By used, I don't just mean smoked or inhaled, as many would think. Hemp, or marijuana, has a great number of uses... here is a small list...
-Car manufacture
So, since Hemp can be utilised as an environmentally friendly and extremely renewable source for the above industries, why is it illegal in some countries?
Well... I can't say I know the answer for sure, but using my good old brain, functioning as good as ever I might add, it seems the answer lies in Politics and Commercial interests from large corporations, who Politicians and Governments obviously answer to.
Butt-sucking Politicians seem to cause all the fuss in the world, don't they? And we are the idiots who vote for them!.. anywho...
Ok.. so, in summary..
Hemp. Many uses. Illegal. Taboo...
Now onto its use as a euphoric, relaxing, pain relieving herbal "drug"... used by over 140 million people worldwide (old statistic, if you find a more recent one please let me know)...
For the following argument, I will compare the effects and societal stand points on alcohol, tobacco and marijuana respectively.
Alcohol (Ethanol)
- extremely dangerous substance
- overdose (alcohol poisoning) can cause liver failure, and death. Occurs when the body is unable to process the amount of alcohol consumed, so tolerance varies between individuals according to a variety of factors including age, sex, liver function etc...
- Second largest cause of drug-related deaths and hospitalisations in Australia (tobacco is first)
- Main cause of deaths on Australian roads
- Other adverse effects of alcohol are violence, rage, birth defects (in alcoholic mothers), high cholesterol, loss of balance and logical cognitive function
- Some positive effects include - decreased social inhibitions.... cant think of any others...
Tobacco (cigarettes)
- Natural plant substance, however in cigarettes is combined with lethal chemicals
- Greatest cause of drug-related deaths and hospitalisations in Australia
- Causes a number of health issues - atherosclerosis, heart disease, lung diseases including cancer and emphysema, gangrene and amputations, just to name a few...
- Of the total health care costs resulting from all forms of drug abuse in 1998-99, approximately 80% were attributable to tobacco. In that year costs attributable to tobacco were $1094.4 million net, including medical, hospital, nursing home and pharmaceutical costs... I have been unable to find more recent figures, but you get the gist..
- Some benefits... - ummm.... NO IDEA!? some say it reduces stress and tension, anxiety etc... but physiologically, it actually increases your heart rate, increases your blood pressure, both of which are conducive with increased stress, increased anxiety and increased tension... the decrease in these things could possibly be when you have already become addicted to the nicotine, and the withdrawl symptoms cause you stress, anxiety etc.. so by having a hit of nicotine you feel less anxious and stressed.
- Plant
- No deaths attributed to the use of marijuana (if you can find figures, let me know, but there is honestly nothing)
- Positive Effects include- feelings of euphoria, happiness, increased appetite, decreased pain, increase in creativity, increase in analytical abilities, feelings of connection to all living things/nature/life increased
- Negative effects (more so with long term, habitual use) - paranoia, irritability, short term memory loss/decreased function, red eyes, dry mouth
- Uses medicinally - to reduce pain associated with Fibromyalgia, cancer, Musculoskeletal disorders, Anorexia, Depression, General mood enhancer, Arthritic pain, among other uses...
So now having seen the pros and cons of these three substances, does it still seem logical that alcohol and tobacco are legal even though they account for 97% of drug-related deaths in Australia, and Marijuana is illegal and accounts for Zero deaths?
*Also, think about the massive economic COST of criminalisation of Marijuana - Police are cracking down on Marijuana use, instead of focusing on other matters which are of (in my opinion) much more importance... then think about the massive economic GAIN if Marijuana became a legal substance, like alcohol and tobacoo, of course with controls... perhaps like Amsterdam?*
Comments please :)
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