I've thought of something to say!
Ok. So last week on Thursday I began a 2 week carbohydrate controlled diet in order to release some of the pressure off my poor liver. Not sure if you know, but one of the livers many functions is to store and release sugar. In our western diets there is a HUGE emphasis on the use and consumption of sugar-based products. Even foods that we believe do not contain sugar, actually do! So the liver is basically being bombarded with all this sugar, has to store it, but can't fit it all in, so it gets turned into fat. Then our poor little liver is only concentrating on storing the sugar, and doesn't have time to do many other more important functions - such as make cholesterol (that is needed by the body), store vitamins and minerals and make certain amino acids - which are the building blocks of proteins.
So even though my overall diet is really not that bad, I thought, why not, I'll give it a go! - I must admit though that I am an addict. I am/was addicted to chocolate. Yes, the beautiful brown bombshell that is cocoa and its fellow milk solids.
Anyway, as you all know, this weekend was Easter. And along with Jesus and his resurrection comes the Easter Bunny - bearing what some refer to as heaven, others prefer calling it Chocolate.
Do you see what I'm getting at?
It has been character building, let me tell you. Not only am I surrounded by boxes and boxes of brown sugary goodness, but I come from a Greek background, so my grandmother has made us a whole array of greek sweets. And guess what? I can't have any!
On the upside, my physical body feels 100 times better. I have lost a couple of kilos, not that I was planning to - its merely a (positive) side effect of staying away from sugar and wheat.
As well as feeling lighter and more slender, I am sleeping much better. It used to take me at least an hour to fall asleep from the time my head hit the pillow. Now, I am dreaming away in a matter of minutes. No joke.
I recommend to anyone out there feeling a little sluggish, fatigued or just "not right" to go see a Naturopath and get yourself checked out :) They are wonderful at ascertaining what may be bothering you, whether it be poor digestion or insomnia or any other ailment.