Thursday, November 4, 2010

Birthday smiles :)

It's my birthday! :D

Yes, today is the day that I was brought into this wonderful planet by my parents.

I looked outside my window and was amazed with what I saw - clear blue skies, birds chirping, sun beaming down - too yummy for words.

I went and sat on the grass in my backyard. What a perfect day. I couldn't have painted it better myself. Thank you Universe for blessing me on my birthday, and on all the other beautiful days of the year.

Today is special to me. Really, it is. And not because I am one year older, but because I have had the pleasure of living one more year on this magical Earth, in this wonderous Universe, and for that I am grateful.

Birthdays to me are not about ones age. But rather about the gift of being alive.

I will take this day, with all its beauty and grace, to reflect on my life and how fortunate I am.

Thank you Earth, thank you Universe.


Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Cancer cure?

Cancer cure? Those two words, when used together, seem somewhat scary and surreal, yet hopeful and intriguing at the same time. For years I struggled to understand Cancer, and how it worked. Even in my current course at Uni we had discussed the mechanisms of the disease, and I still was unsure about it when people asked. Lately though, I have been grasping the workings of this seemingly crafty disease and understanding ways to not only prevent it, but to nip it in the butt once it is there.

I can't speak from experience, however I have been touched by Cancer via family and friends who have had it. I do not wish to offend anyone who may have cancer or who has had a family member or friend pass due to it. I only want to get what I know out there, and if by some chance my words do not agree with you, I apologise, but I can only say what I know and believe.

Basically there is a theory that was first coined by Professor John Beard in 1902 (yes! ages ago!) that says cancer cells are no different to cells that are essential for the development of a foetus and the healing process - these cells are called trophoblasts. It was only in 1995 that this theory was agreed upon by doctors and the medical establishment.

This means that cancer occurs when the healing process has gone too far (tumour growth) and the cells change (become abnormal). People ask, why does smoking cause cancer? Well, the act of smoking, along with the vast array of toxic chemicals found in cigarettes, causes damage to the cells, especially of the lungs. Hence the reason why smokers have an increased risk of developing cancer of the lung.

Anything that causes damage to the body, be it chemicals, excessive exposure to UV rays, smoking etc, can lead to cancer, if the body's healing processes are not functioning properly.

Let me get one thing straight though - trophoblasts are essential to development of life. Therefore, a pregnant lady will have a high amount of trophoblast activity because her body is creating a foetus. So, any high trophoblast activity that is seen outside of pregnancy and in males can be the first signal of cancer. Ok, so we're getting a bit too science-y here but I hope that made sense...

Now, to get into the healing side of cancer. It was discovered in the 1950s, by Dr. Ernst T. Krebs Jr., that a substance found in nature can cure or prevent cancer. This substance is called Amygdalin (the isolated form that patients use orally and intravenously is called Laetrile/Vitamin B17).

It is said that cancer, like Scurvy (vitamin C deficiency) and Pellagra (vitamin B3 deficiency), is caused by a deficiency in this substance Vitamin B17/Amygdalin.

Our modern diets completely avoid any form of amygdalin, and cancer has been on the rise ever since we changed our ways. Not only this, but in places where amygdalin is consumed on a daily basis, there is little if NO prevalence of cancer. Such cultures include the Hunza's and Hopi Indians among others.

So... basically this substance was found to be beneficial in people with cancer, as it had great effects in reducing the tumour size, killing the actual cancerous cells and reducing pain (among other interesting benefits not related to cancer).

If you're wondering where in nature one can find this substance, it is right in front of our eyes, or mouths to be exact. Every time you eat an apple and throw away the core with the seeds, you've thrown away precious amygdalin. When you go to the supermarket and buy a seedless watermelon, you are depriving yourself of this cancer fighting chemical.

But, the plants that have the highest concentration of this substance are from the Prunus rosaceae family - Apricots, Peaches, Plums. Amygdalin is found in the kernels of these fruits, deep in the core, where it is kept safe from the external environment. It is also found in the Poaecea (grasses) and Legume family

Have you ever wondered why dogs, even after eating an immense amount of food, will go and have some grass for dessert? Its their instinct - as they are not feeling well, they know that this grass contains something that is beneficial for them - Amygdalin.

And isn't it interesting that you never hear of wild animals contracting cancer, including wild dogs, yet when we domesticate them and feed them our chemically-laden food, they are just as likely as us to get the disease?

So, you're probably wondering why on earth this potential cancer fighter is not spoken about widely in the media and among doctors. If you understand how the pharmaceutical industry works, you will soon realise the answer.

Everyone knows the Pharmaceutical industry is all about making money. No doubt. So for that reason, and that reason alone, there is absolutely no interest in further testing amygdalin to "prove" it works. Prove. What a lovely word. Funny how prove means not what we think it does. When organisations like the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) in the USA use this word, it simply means that it has not been approved by them. This approval process is very very VERY expensive (millions to billions) and if a company were to pay for its approval by the FDA, there would be no money for them to profit from by selling the product. Why? Because you cannot patent something from nature, therefore you cannot own it and make money from it.

Sound pathetic and greedy? Well, my friends, I hate to tell you but that is the wicked society we live in and support.

So what to do if you or someone you know has cancer? Research your options. Do not succumb to the pressure of feeling like you have no choice but chemo or radiation. If anything that I have written is to stay with you, let it be this - Go see a Naturopath.

Treating cancer with chemotherapy and radiation therapy, in my opinion, does not make sense. I understand that chemo and radiation therapy will kill the cancer cells, but they also kill and harm all other body cells! They are not cancer specific. Amygdalin is. Not to mention, these orthodox therapies will only kill the less-malignant cells in a tumour and leave the very-malignant cells there. They work only to a certain point. And by leaving all the malignant cells in the tumour, it creates an environment where the tumour becomes stronger and can metastasise (spread).

When someone has cancer, B17 will directly attack the cancer cells, with the help of an unlocking enzyme called beta-glucosidase (that is found in HIGH amounts near cancer cells and miniscule amounts everywhere else in the body), and this will de-shield the cancer cell and let the B17 digest it. It literally eats it up.

Let me just say though, that B17 is not the only answer, but it is a vital factor in cancer therapy. A whole treatment using Metabolic therapy is required. That means detoxification, changing the diet to strict vegetarian, drinking live juices (fresh vegetable juices - carrot, celery, beetroot), vitamin supplements (including B17) and mineral supplements (Selenium being very important).

I hope that you pass on this information to your family and friends, as I believe it is vital for us all to know how we can protect ourselves and our family from cancer.

Hope I have given you a thought to consider among the orchids...


PS: For more information on this topic, head to my facebook page where you will find many posts regarding this topic in the form of videos.

Key words for YouTube - Amygdalin, Vitamin B17, Science and Politics of Cancer, Laetrile

Also, a great book is World Without Cancer - By G. E. Griffin

Happy researching :)

More serious matters...

Over the past few months I have been delving into a world of hidden truths and outright lies. The world I speak of is but so close to ours, in fact, it is ours. Let me retract that statement, because I do not like using the word "World" to describe such devastation. For the purpose of this blog, I will use the word "Society" instead of World. Our world is beautiful, we live on a gorgeous planet, full of potential, full of amazing creatures. Yet, our Society has turned this world into utter crap. I am not referring to the farce of global warming, that has been blamed on our species. No, not at all. As a matter of fact, I am a firm believer that this planet, among the many others out there, is being influenced by the Sun and its spots, as it has been for hundreds and thousands of years. Anyway, I will save that for another post.

What I am referring to when I say our Society is doomed, is the fact that we the people of this planet have been, and are currently being, manipulated by a select few. By few, I mean a small handful of wealthy elite families, of the same blood, who see themselves as superior beings compared to us poor fools who make them rich.

This is a huge topic that can be discussed for hours upon hours. I will start from, where I believe, this elite power stemmed from.

To say it all began in the early 1900s would be a lie, so I will say that from what I have researched, and to simplify it a little, the creation of the Federal Reserve Bank of America could be the link to the current world domination situation.

Basically, not to bore you with years and numbers, the Federal Reserve Bank of America is NOT part of the government. It was enacted by the Federal Reserve Bill in 1913, passed by American President Woodrow Wilson, who later regretted doing so. This allowed a private group of bankers (and their respective banks) to create money for the American government and people, and loan it to them with Interest.

Let's stop here for a moment. Does it seem at all fair to you that a private group of banks owned by people such as the Rockefellers, Rothchilds, Morgans etc can own the right to printing and loaning out money with interest? Now you may be thinking, especially those of you not living in the US, that this doesn't effect you. Well, in fact it does. As you probably know, the American dollar is the biggest currency worldwide, upon which most currencies are compared to and valued. Not only that, but in Australia we have the Reserve Bank of Australia which, not known to many, is not part of the government. It is hard to understand the exact ownership of the RBA, but it is officially an AGI - this means that it is owned by foreigners. I presume also, that the central bank of England is also a private institution, and most probably many other central banks in other countries.

So the problem here is that there are a few people who dictate the value of currency, the interest rate, and when and how much of a recession or depression there will be. This can be easily seen in the global financial crisis that we recently experienced. There are a number of documentaries on YouTube that are very interesting and enlightening on all these topics that I will be discussing. I will also hopefully be conducting a Video Blog soon, so as to reach more people.

Now back to the issue of privately owned banks ruling our money supply. I for one do not appreciate the fact that a few people sitting in their chairs on the 89th floor can tell me how much interest I must pay, or how much something is worth according solely to the value they have given a piece of paper (in Australia's case, plastic-coated paper).

This may seem like a hopeless case of "thats the way the world works", but that thought process itself is the problem. We are too complacent about things we know to be wrong. Throughout history people have fought for their rights and ultimately succeeded in changing society.

If we truly believe this, among the other issues I will talk about in coming posts, to be wrong, unethical and downright bullshit then we must put our voices together, and demand things be changed. Better yet, we should create a political party, much like the Sex Party recently put together in Australia, and create change ourselves.

The sad thing is that those who speak out are seen as idiots, quacks, crazy people. And sometimes, when they are influencing millions of people, they are assassinated. J.F Kennedy, prior to his brutal killing, was signing bills to rid the Federal Reserve of its powers and put the power back into government and ultimately the people, and a few months later - BANG. A great great leader was killed, and it was blamed on some kid. Surely people aren't that stupid. But then again, people these days believe Obama to be the saviour of the planet, with all his empty promises, he is far from it.

That is all for today. In my future posts I will be discussing the Bilderberg group, the Rockefellers and their many foundations, Micro-chips, Cancer cures, GM Foods, Monsanto, Fluoridated water, Chemtrails and many other issues pertaining to our society.

Thanks for reading.

Hope I have given you a thought to consider among the orchids...


Wednesday, April 7, 2010

a poem for your thoughts.

I sit. I pray. I laugh. I cry.
I twiddle my thumbs, as time goes by.
The sun awakes as I drift off to sleep,
No sooner do I rise to the sound of a birds cheep.
I am unheard, unloved, broken
yet to be loved and heard are my hearts token.
The call of the world gets me out of bed,
I try so hard not to look at what I have shed.
For my thoughts and feelings are not what I do,
Yes, I sometimes misinterpret them, too.

* This is a little poem I just made up - the meaning behind it is ... although this girl seems to be quite depressed and sad, she has misinterpreted her feelings, thus bringing the poem back to neutral - as in, no sadness just misinterpretation. -- Im laughing at myself because I am analysing my own poem haha. - ok so maybe I should have left this open to interpretation, but I must admit I was afraid that people (whoever reads this.. if anyone) will think I am the depressed person. My point is sometimes people can misinterpret their own thoughts and feelings and create a world of destruction for themselves, thus leading themselves into a depressive state... This poem (I hope) can show that *

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


I've thought of something to say!

Ok. So last week on Thursday I began a 2 week carbohydrate controlled diet in order to release some of the pressure off my poor liver. Not sure if you know, but one of the livers many functions is to store and release sugar. In our western diets there is a HUGE emphasis on the use and consumption of sugar-based products. Even foods that we believe do not contain sugar, actually do! So the liver is basically being bombarded with all this sugar, has to store it, but can't fit it all in, so it gets turned into fat. Then our poor little liver is only concentrating on storing the sugar, and doesn't have time to do many other more important functions - such as make cholesterol (that is needed by the body), store vitamins and minerals and make certain amino acids - which are the building blocks of proteins.

So even though my overall diet is really not that bad, I thought, why not, I'll give it a go! - I must admit though that I am an addict. I am/was addicted to chocolate. Yes, the beautiful brown bombshell that is cocoa and its fellow milk solids.

Anyway, as you all know, this weekend was Easter. And along with Jesus and his resurrection comes the Easter Bunny - bearing what some refer to as heaven, others prefer calling it Chocolate.

Do you see what I'm getting at?

It has been character building, let me tell you. Not only am I surrounded by boxes and boxes of brown sugary goodness, but I come from a Greek background, so my grandmother has made us a whole array of greek sweets. And guess what? I can't have any!

On the upside, my physical body feels 100 times better. I have lost a couple of kilos, not that I was planning to - its merely a (positive) side effect of staying away from sugar and wheat.

As well as feeling lighter and more slender, I am sleeping much better. It used to take me at least an hour to fall asleep from the time my head hit the pillow. Now, I am dreaming away in a matter of minutes. No joke.

I recommend to anyone out there feeling a little sluggish, fatigued or just "not right" to go see a Naturopath and get yourself checked out :) They are wonderful at ascertaining what may be bothering you, whether it be poor digestion or insomnia or any other ailment.


a title with no name

As my first ever blog I have tried in almost every way possible to make my page as creative and "me-like" as I can. I have been inspired to get back in touch with my artsy side. Although, not sure if it really is there, buried under a plethora of facts and figures from years of study. In the past I would write poems, journals and the like... where has it gone?

Then I think, "Do I even know how to blog?"... is there even a way to blog? or is blogging free from societies commonalities and rules?

If you haven't already discovered I am always asking questions, always interested in knowing the how and why of life. Maybe I should just let go and live freely... although I do believe I am living.

Ok, so for now this is all I can come up with, knowing that I have to get back to studying for a biology exam, a thought that isn't really so comforting.

And yet I have forgotten to introduce myself. Tina is my name.

(Who am I even writing to? - this is quite amusing to me, I feel as though I am speaking to someone, although I do not know if anyone will read this. I laugh.)


for the love of orchids